Regensburg ist elend weit von zuhause weg und hat es sich deshalb ein bißchen mit mir verscherzt. Aber der Sonnenuntergang hatte es dann trotz Eiseskälte fast wieder wettgemacht. Ich werde mich dann im Sommer versuchen, mit Regensburg anzufreunden ...
Regensburg is miserably far away from home and therefore, the two of us aren't on best terms. Additionally, it was freezing cold, but the sunset kind olf compensated for everything. I'll try in summer to make friends with this most probably beautiful city ...
Regensburg is miserably far away from home and therefore, the two of us aren't on best terms. Additionally, it was freezing cold, but the sunset kind olf compensated for everything. I'll try in summer to make friends with this most probably beautiful city ...