Wenn ich viel Nicht-Kreative Jobs mache, werde ich ganz unruhig und ungeduldig mit mir selbst. Also habe ich mir ein neues Objektiv für meine Fuji geleistet, von dem ich schon lange geträumt habe, in der Hoffnung, beim Fotografieren Neues zu entdecken. Es ist ein 18-135er, also bestens für Streetfotografie geeignet. Und dann kam auch noch die Sonne gestern raus, also war ein Besuch im Botanischen Garten fällig, einem meiner Lieblingsorte in Köln. Und im Gewächshaus blühen schon die Kamelien!
I made too many non-creative jobs during the last weeks, which made me restless and kind of impatient with myself. Therefore I gifted myself with a new lense for my Fuji camera which I have been dreaming of for a long time. Hopefully it will help me to explore new things in photography. It's a 18-135 mm lense, perfect for street photography. And wenn there were two hours of sun yesterday, this meant a visit in our botanical gardens, one of my favourite places in Cologne. And the greenhouse was full of blossoming camellias!
I made too many non-creative jobs during the last weeks, which made me restless and kind of impatient with myself. Therefore I gifted myself with a new lense for my Fuji camera which I have been dreaming of for a long time. Hopefully it will help me to explore new things in photography. It's a 18-135 mm lense, perfect for street photography. And wenn there were two hours of sun yesterday, this meant a visit in our botanical gardens, one of my favourite places in Cologne. And the greenhouse was full of blossoming camellias!