Monday morning macro
While trying to come up with a new idea for a fennel receipe, I found some abstract art in my pan ..._____Während ich versucht habe, mir ein neues Fenchelrezept auszudenken, habe ich abstrakte Kunst in...
View ArticleTravel log: Markdorf/ Swabian Mountains
It's not exactly where I grew up, but close by. I'm always dreaming of travelling far away, but seeing this perfect fall afternoon, I can understand how our Romantic poets sang of golden autumn.____Ich...
View ArticlePhoto adventures: industry buildings, part 3
Another beautiful industrial building I saw recently is the Gold Ochsen brewery in Ulm. It's the last brewery in Ulm, and they still are producing beer there ... I'm not a beer fan, but I fell for the...
View ArticleArtist's studio: Marit Mertin
Marit Mertin is one the the artists I met during the 'open studio' weekends, and I was a fan immediately. She creates her artwork from plastic bags, fabric or old clothes, using a lot of different...
View ArticleNew favourite shop in Cologne
Look what I found yesterday ... I'm a big fan of Moomin and Nordic design. So, Jättefint is a dream come true - all the best from Finland in a beautiful shop in Köln-Sülz. They started with kids...
View ArticleFall colors
Margot and I went to Oberhausen yesterday, so expect lots of pictures about the Christo exhibition during the next days. It was fantastic ... and since it's all in black/ brown and white, we'll start...
View ArticleDas Weihnachtsgeschenk-Mitmachmagazin ist online!
Und hier ist es - das neue Mitmachmagazin. Danke an alle fürs Mitmachen! Jede Menge Geschenktipps und tolle vegane Rezepte - heute in 4 Wochen ist Heiligabend!___And here it is - the new join-in...
View ArticleArt sale - Advents-Kunstmarkt
The new emagazine is finished and the next project is approaching very fast. Do you remember my teaser from last week? Ellen Muck is starting an 'art store', and we'll begin with an Advent's art sale....
View ArticleTravel log: Gasometer Oberhausen/ Christo exhibition
You might have noticed during the last weeks that I have a crush for old industrial buildings, but this one was by far my favourite. The Gasometer Oberhausen belongs to Germany's industrial heritage...
View ArticleGiveaway winner and invitation
Dear all, the Christmas gift eMagazine has been online for a few days (hooray!), time to chose the winner of Lumimaja's giveaway-bag. It's Sandra from! Congratulations. Most of...
View ArticleChristo Exhibition in Oberhausen: Big Air Package
I showed you the Gasometer last Tuesday - but inside it's equally spectacular. Or more when they have a huge exhibition there about the work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude. A fantastic exhibition design...
View Articleletterheads
New things I'm preparing for the artsale at 6th and 8th of December. I called them 'letterheads'. Some of them I put in petri dishes ... still testing.____Neue Sachen, die ich für den Kunstmarkt am 6....
View ArticleMore letterheads
The last weekend before the Advent art sale. The plan was to have the complete two days for preparing and wrapping and packing my objects. Instead, I spent most of the weekend with N. for a job:...
View ArticleMonday morning macro
And this is the newest series of my letterheads. Another four days until we're going to hang the exhibition. I see some night shifts coming .... ____Und das ist die neuesre Serie meiner letterheads....
View ArticleTravel log: railway tracks in Ulm
I love railway tracks, they are synonymic for travelling, leaving everything behind you and to set out for a new life. Well, I love my life as it is, but rails always make me get wanderlust. When you...
View ArticleArtist's studio: Mike Felten
Let me introduce you another one of the great artists I met during the 'open studios' weekends in Cologne: Mike Felten. I don't have to make much words, his expressive paintings speak for themselves....
View ArticleKünstler Adventsmarkt - morgen und Sonntag, in Köln!
Today, we started arranging the art sale we'll have over the weekend in Ellen Muck's studio. More than 12 artists, everything is more than affordable - the prices begin from 20 Euros - and so many...
View ArticleFirst snow this year
At least for me. Right on time for the Nikolaustag/ Sinterklaas - an important holiday in Holland. I tried to catch the first snowflakes for L. (yes, this post is for you). I'm hoping for a white...
View ArticleWish you were here
Yesterday was the vernissage of the Advent art sale. You definitely missed something, including two live acts and delicious soup. Today we'll be there for an internet workshop for artists (and others)...
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